Dale Hall Community Primary School

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School Dinners

From January we will no longer be part of Vertas, who have been providing our school dinners for many years. We want our kitchen to be serving the very best ingredients, sourced locally and predominately made from scratch. Our cook Jo is very excited to be running this, alongside myself, so that we can offer a rich and varied menu. However, for the first few months we will be sticking to the basics as we adjust to new suppliers and timings.
However, our new menu is very different, offering more choice, firm favourites and locally sourced meat and veg. As the months progress we will be introducing taster pots, mid morning snacks (served by Year 6) and more variety and diverse menus. We also hope to work with some local vegan restaurants and chefs to advise and help us experiment.
I will keep you updated with photos and hopefully your children will tell you their thoughts. Watch out for my introduction to our new school development plan, featuring the menu in January.
Many thanks.

  • Payment to be made for the half term in advance or if this is not possible, then payment on the first day of the school week for all meals required that week. Payment for meals booked in an emergency must be paid for on the day.
  • For families who qualify for free meals it is our policy that, until confirmation of eligibility is received from Suffolk County Council, all meals should be paid for. When confirmation is received if any money is due to be repaid to you then you will be refunded.
  • You can pay online via your child's Arbor account

  • Payments due for each half term will be advised through the newsletter in advance.


Free School Meals

If you are in receipt of certain benefits then your child may be eligible for free school meals irrespective of the year group they are in. Application forms for these free school meals are available from the Information shelves in the school entrance or by visiting the Suffolk County Council website. Details of eligibility are printed on the form. If you meet the criteria we would encourage you to apply even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 or you would prefer your child to have a packed lunch. This is because part of our budget allocation, known as Pupil Premium, is based on the number of children entitled to these free school meals. This extra money helps us to provide support groups throughout the school along with much needed additional resources.