Dale Hall Community Primary School

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Forest Schools


At Dale Hall, we are really excited to be able to offer Forest School sessions to all children from Year 1 through to Year 6. Every child in the school will have access to at least half a term's worth of weekly sessions where they will get to experience Forest School learning in a small group with one of our Forest School Leaders. Over the last couple of years, much time has been spent developing our site (an ongoing and organic process) and investigating resources for the children to use - it is wonderful to see the children out there enjoying nature.

What is Forest School?

Forest School is an holistic approach to learning whereby children and adults share skills and knowledge in an active and collaborative fashion. It aims to develop, amongst other things:


  • Self-awarenesss
  • Self-regulation
  • Resilience
  • Empathy
  • Independence
  • Good social/communication skills including team-building
  • A positive mental attitude, self esteem and confidence
  • As well as nurturing a love of, and a respect for, nature and the natural environment and a true resilience for being outside in all weathers!
  • You can read more about the ethos and 6 principles that Forest School runs by, and which we shall be adhering to, here: Forest School Ethos and Principles

Forest Schools



Forest Schools Examples


What happens at Forest School?

Forest School is child led learning so the sessions are guided by the children's interests. The Forest School Leaders have been trained to observe the children and be led by them. This allows for lots of exploration, play and discovery. Alongside this, based upon the children's interests, adult led activities will take place which help the children to learn new skills such as whittling, sawing, den building and fire building. The adult to:child ratio at Forest School is higher than in other learning areas to allow this to happen.
Some activities might be:
Learning to use tools such as knives, saws, pruners and loppers. These skills can then feed into other activities.
Whittling to make skewers for cooking or craft activities.

  • Cooking.
  • Den building.
  • Mud kitchen.
  • Weaving.
  • Bug hunting and identification.
  • Pond dipping.
  • Craft activities with natural products.
  • And there are many more!


Forest Schools



What should my child wear for Forest School?

The most important thing is that, with the exception of high winds or thunder storms, Forest School takes place in all weathers! Because of this, it's extremely important that all participants - adult helpers too - are dressed appropriately for the weather and activities. Generally this means many layers for the Winter and less for the Summer but always with long sleeves and trousers because of the environment in which we will be working. The school will provide waterproof trousers but all other clothing should be brought in by the children.