Dale Hall Community Primary School

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"Staff, led tenaciously by the headteacher, share a determination to deliver a curriculum that is interesting and inspiring. Pupils engage fully in learning, reflecting the high standards that leaders have set." 

"Pupils read high-quality texts that light up their imaginations, help them to discover new words and improve their understanding across subjects.”

“Leaders and governors have created a strong vision and ethos about what they want for pupils at the school."

“Pupils are proud of their school. They show great enthusiasm for learning as well as for spending happy and caring times with their friends in the playground."

“The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has worked hard to get pupils external support even when it is in short supply in the local area. The SENCo helps teachers to understand the barriers to pupils’ learning.”

“Teachers expect and help pupils to discuss, share and use what they know already in new learning.”

Latest Dale Hall Community Primary Inspection


We were visited by OFSTED in December 2019 and our report was published in January 2020.

The highlights of the report are above.

Areas to improve


  • To improve the teaching of presentation, handwriting and spelling with a focus on extended writing in KS2.
  • To effectively address standards at the end of each key stage to make sure they are showing an improving       picture.
  • To work with governors to focus their monitoring on strategic priorities
  • To improve the communication with individual parents to ensure they are fully confident in the work of the school.




  • We have introduced continuous cursive handwriting across the school using letter join. This has been a whole school focus and led to significant improvement. The children are now producing extending pieces of writing across the school and this is being support by their fluency in handwriting.
  • In September 2021 we appointed an achievement leader who co-ordinates, monitors and leads school improvement across the school. This has led to focussed monitoring, clear targets and expected outcomes shared by the teachers and TAs. This years KS 2 results are showing a 10% increase in attainment on 2019 results and a combined RWM score of 65% (in line with national average)
  • Our governors have increased their monitoring and concentrated this on our strategic priorities. There is an excellent understanding, by all governors of the school, its strengths and areas to develop. The skills audit shows a marked improvement and governors training is timely and relevant.
  • We introduced DOJO in Jan 2020 which has had a very positive outcome and is popular with parents. Teachers post online weekly outlining successes and areas studied during the week.
  • Parents' survey showed 95% of parents felt their child had made progress with our remote learning and in school provision offer. 87% felt the offer was good or outstanding. 95% said the feedback from pupils work was excellent.