Dale Hall Community Primary School

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At Dale Hall we value that young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also many challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal, emotional, moral and social lives in a positive way. Our RSHE policy outlines our relationship, health and sex education and how it is delivered at Dale Hall.


At Dale Hall RSHE combines:

PSHE- personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum.
Science- Biological aspects are taught within the science curriculum
RE- other aspects are included in religious education (RE). There are a number of cross curricular links for RSE. 




Our RSHE curriculum reflects our school vision and values and links to our Dale Hall Behaviour policy

  • Be respectful
  • Be responsible
  • Be safe
  • Be caring 


Ideas for learning at home:

Resources and games to support online safety

Childnet online safety resources


A great opportunity to explore kindness and how to help others

Red Cross online kindness calendar


A lovely site which has a story to explain and support young children understanding lockdown and restrictions


Parent involvement

Previously we had a parent working group for RSHE. This involved parents coproducing the school policy and sharing their opinions on what should be a priority for our Dale Hall RSHE curriculum

If you are interested in being part of any future collaborative work then please message me on dojo.

Have a look below for the parent information PowerPoint shared in June 2021

This area will show all documents uploaded to the /docs/RSHE_SUMMER_TERM folder.

Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.